Jul 18, 2008


Backlinks are one of the most important parts of the search engine optimization. They increase a website value for the search engines and also bring traffic.

SEO and backlinks
Most of the search engines determine site value from group of parameters in order to get the most relevant results for the search queries. The number and the quality of the backlinks to a website are some of these parameters.
It is natural to consider that if more people link to one site than it has something useful. Also if websites with high authority link to other website – it must be trustful and important. Backlinks from websites in the same topic also bring points in ranking for that niche.

Backlinks and traffic

People follow the link and visit a website so backlinks bring traffic. Backlinks from popular blogs or websites like digg can increase website traffic a lot.

How to get backlinks
It is easy. Backlinks can be obtained through forums, blog comments, link exchange, social bookmarking sites or just by asking friends.
Offering something cheap or free of charge can make others to link to a website.

1 comment:

Rich Pearson said...

A couple of other suggestions to build backlinks

1) Create good content and make sure that anyone re-using it links back

2) Seek out sites that are in your content neighborhood and ask for a link.

If you're interested in trying out a backlink identification service, we've just launched a beta test for SEOs here: http://www.attributor.com/link_building_beta.php

We have serveral large publishers i already using it including Reuters and Conde Net but are looking for feedback from SEOs
